Pairs, sums, and reactivity

I’ve been noodling over a difference between behaviors (functions of time) and events (sequences of time/value pairs). A product of behaviors is isomorphic to a behavior of products, but a product of events is isomorphic to an event of sums.

Ba × Bb ≅ Ba × b

Ea × Eb ≅ Ea + b

A similar property has been noted for Fudgets-like stream processors.

Behaviors (or "reactive values") and events are inter-related. In particular, we can make a behavior from an initial value and an event, using the stepper function. If we want to use stepper with a pair value, we’d have to use a pair-valued event. However, it’s often more convenient and efficient to work with pair of separate change events, or (using the event pair/sum isomorphism) a sum-valued event.

This post plays with another perspective on sum types for events and stream processors. It can also apply to bots.

Pairs and sums

Let’s take a look at the event pair/sum isomorphism. To mix two events into a single sum event, simply left- or right-tag the events and merge them:

mixEither  (Event c, Event d) → Event (Either c d)
mixEither (ec,ed) = liftM Left ec `mplus` liftM Right ed

In this definition, I could have used fmap in place of liftM and/or (⊕) in place of mplus. We'll see in a moment that liftM and mplus give a nicer symmetry.

To separate a sum event into two, use joinMaybes.

joinMaybes  MonadPlus m ⇒ m (Maybe a) → m a
unmixEither  Event (Either c d) → (Event c, Event d)
unmixEither ecd = (filt left, filt right)
filt f = joinMaybes (liftM f ecd)

The functions left and right are Maybe-valued extractors for sum types.

left   Either c d → Maybe c
right Either c d → Maybe d

The mixer and unmixer actually have much more general types:

mixEither    MonadPlus m ⇒ (m a, m b) → m (Either a b)
unmixEither  MonadPlus m ⇒ m (Either c d) → (m c, m d)

The simplicity and symmetry these typings motivated my choice of liftM and mplus above.

In this more general setting, mixEither ∘ unmixEither might not be the identity. For lists, all of the lefts will end up before all of the rights. Even for events, mixEither ∘ unmixEither can re-order simultaneous occurrences. I don't know how to get a genuine isomorphism.

Pair editors

When using stepper, the event argument indicates a change to the varying value. When the varying value is a pair, we'll often have change events for each pair member. Let's see how to weave those two events into a single pair-valued event.

The pair/sum isomorphism above says that a pair of events is equivalent to a sum-valued event. But what do we do with the sum event? The key idea is noted in Functional reactive partner dancing: convert the sum into a pair editor:

updPair  Either c d → (c,d) → (c,d)
updPair (Left  c') (_,d) = (c',d)
updPair (Right d') (c,_) = (c,d')


updPair = (first∘const) `either` (second∘const)

Now we can go from a pair of events to an event of pair editors:

pairEditE  (Event c, Event d) → Event ((c,d) → (c,d))
pairEditE = liftM updPair ∘ mixEither

If we want, we can also short-cut the whole sum business:

pairEditE (ce,de) =
liftM (first∘const) ce `mplus` liftM (second∘const) de

With either of these definitions, we have a much more general type:

pairEditE  MonadPlus m ⇒ (m c,m d) → m ((c,d) → (c,d))

The next step is to apply successive functions from the pair-changing event, using an accumulation combinator. We'll need an initial value for the pair:

pairE  (c,d) → (Event c, Event d) → Event (c,d)
cd `pairE` cde = cd `accumE` pairEditE cde

There's another way to dice up pairE. A reactive value is determined by an initial value and change event, so we can restructure the arguments of pairE into two reactive values. We also have an initial value for the combination, so we may as well produce a reactive value.

pairR  Reactive c → Reactive d → Reactive (c,d)
(c `Stepper` ce) `pairR` (d `Stepper` de) =
(c,d) `stepper` pairE (c,d) (ce,de)

or, more directly:

(c `Stepper` ce) `pairR` (d `Stepper` de) =
(c,d) `accumR` pairEditE (ce,de)


Pair editing and applicative functors

In a sense, we've gone to a lot of work for nothing. Since Reactive is an applicative functor, we can also give this trivially easy and much more general definition:

pairR  Applicative f ⇒ f c → f d → f (c,d)
pairR = liftA2 (,)

On the other hand, the (<*>) method in the Applicative instance given in Reactive normal form was tricky. We can now replace it with a simple definition in terms of pairR (assuming we don't define pairR in terms of liftA2). Use pairR to turn a reactive function and a reactive argument into a reactive function/argument pair. Then map uncurried function application to get (<*>):

rf <*> rx = uncurry ($) <$> (rf `pairR` rx)

I like how these new definitions of pairR and (<*>) build on other generally useful combinators. In contrast, my previous (<*>) definition is recursive and uses the representation of reactive values and events.


  1. BMeph:

    Uh, you have a minor typo on your second Reactive pair rewrite:

    (c,d) accumR pairEditE ( ce ,de)

    still, very nice catch – thank you for the write-up! :)

  2. conal:

    Fixed. Thanks!

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